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Retirement preparation

Find out process and benefit including pension and remuneration you're eligible to according to your services when you retire.

Regular Forces

Regular Commissioned Officer

Retirement benefit

Regular Commissioned Officer who reach the Voluntary Retirement Age or Compulsory Retirement Age or has a 20 years of verified service record or more (subject to MAT approval) is eligible to receive the following retirement benefits :

Regular Commissioned Officer that has less than 20 years of verified service record (subject to MAT approval) is eligible to receive the following retirement benefits :

Short term Commissioned Officer

Retirement Benefit

Short term Commissioned Officer (TJP) that retire at Compulsary Retirement Age of Commissioned Officer eligible to receive the following retirement benefit:

TJP Officer that served until End of Service date eligible for the following benefit:

Other Rank(s)

Retirement benefit (with pension)

For other officers on other ranks that has at least 21 years of verified service are eligible for the following retirement benefit:

Retirement benefit (without pension)

For other officers on other ranks that has at least 8 years and less than 21 years of verified service are eligible for the following retirement benefit:

Voluntary Forces

Mobilised Full Time

Retirement benefit (with pension)

Voluntary Forces that served their full time mobilisation are eligible for the following benefit:

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Total: 3,244,356


One Stop Centre (OSC) MAFVAD

Level G, Menara TH Perdana, 1001 Jalan Sultan Ismail, 50250 Kuala Lumpur

Tel: 03-2050 8000
Call Centre: 03-2697 6600

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