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If an officer or LLP personnel currently receiving a service pension passes away, their dependents may be eligible to receive a Derivative Pension.

Are you eligible?

The following dependents are eligible to receive the derivative pension:

  • The widow/widower of an Armed Forces Veteran who was married while in service. If the widow/widower was married after retirement, the derivative pension is only paid for a period of 20 years from the retirement date
  • Children born from a marriage during service who are under 21 years old and unmarried.
  • Children over 21 years old who are still pursuing continuous education up to their first degree and remain unmarried.
  • Disabled children, regardless of age.

The Derivative Pension payment will cease if:

  • A child turns 21 years old or gets married.
  • A child over 21 years old who is pursuing continuous education will no longer receive the pension after completing their first degree or upon getting married.

About Benefits

If an officer or LLP (Other Ranks) personnel receiving a service pension passes away, their dependents may be eligible to receive a Derivation Pension.

What is the value of the derivation pension that will be paid?

The amount is the same as what the Veteran was receiving prior to their death. Refer to the calculation of the Service Pension.

Increase in Derivation Pension Amount

The derivation pension will increase by 2% annually based on the monthly pension amount. Adjustments are made in January each year.

Payment Methods

There are two pension payment scheme:

  • Scheme A
    The pension will be directly credited to the recipient’s bank account.
  • Scheme B
    The recipient must go to the bank in person to receive the pension payment.

How to Apply?

  • Complete the following forms:
    • Deceased Pensioner Form (Derivation Pension)
    • Confirmation Form for Claimant Studying at Higher Education Institution (for children still studying in higher education)
    • Confirmation Form for Disabled Child (for children with disabilities)
  • Attach the following documents:
    • Original Pensioner Card
    • Copies of the Pensioner Card (2 copies)
    • Copies of the Service Record Book (2 copies)
    • Copies of the identification card of the widow or pension recipient (2 copies)
    • Copies of the Deceased Pensioner’s Death Certificate (2 copies)
    • Copies of the identification card and birth certificate of the deceased's children under the age of 21 (2 copies)
    • Copies of the Marriage Certificate or Divorce Certificate (if divorced) between the widow and the deceased
    • Original copy of the Child Custody Confirmation Letter from the Commissioner of Oaths / Syariah Court (if divorced) or (if the child is disabled/under 18 years old)
    • Copies of the front page of the Bank Account Book showing the widow’s or pension recipient’s name and details (2 copies)
    • Complete Form BQ-BP-04 attached with the Derivation Pension application form
    • Complete Form BQ-BP-03 attached with the Derivation Pension application form and obtain verification, signature, and stamp from the Bank Officer concerned

    Nota: Salinan dokumen hendaklah disahkan oleh; Kadi, Imam, Penghulu, Penggawa, Ketua Balai Polis, Guru Besar, Pegawai Daerah, Pegawai Kerajaan (Kumpulan Pengurusan dan Profesional), mana-mana Ketua Pejabat Kerajaan, Pesuruhjaya Sumpah atau Ketua Anak Negeri.

  • Submit the completed forms and documents to the JHEV Headquarters or the JHEV State Branch Office.

Get Assistance!

Our JHEV staff at the Headquarters and State Branches can assist you, or you can contact us at 03-2050 8000

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One Stop Centre (OSC) MAFVAD

Level G, Menara TH Perdana, 1001 Jalan Sultan Ismail, 50250 Kuala Lumpur

Tel: 03-2050 8000
Call Centre: 03-2697 6600

Head Office  Branches

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